Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Moving Beyond Survival

You can hear it. I believe you can even see it in people’s eyes. And, you can certainly discern it in people’s actions. The economic meltdown is scaring, if not terrifying, many.

As a six time graduate of Outward Bound programs, I learned long ago that the key to survival in any dangerous situation is to remain composed so as to be able to focus on crafting a solution to the problem.

I am convinced that there is hope…and much more…for those who stay composed during these tough times.

There is an old Chinese proverb:

From Crisis, Comes Opportunity

I truly believe that opportunities abound for those who can gather their wits, focus on the changed environment, and collaborate with others to fashion winning strategies and tactics.

Have you tuned-up your personal strategies and tactics for the changed circumstances?

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