Monday, January 5, 2009

Not Partcipating in the Recession

Regular readers of this blog, who don't otherwise know me, have likely concluded that I am someone with a very positive attitude. And as you might expect, one of the keys to such an attitude is too surround oneself with other can-do types.

As a result of the quality and nature of the people who are closest to me, I am frequently hearing the mantra that I am "not participating in the recession."

I love when I hear a friend, or for that matter anyone, express this attitude. But, I have grown leery about how some who express this view will do in the length and deep downturn I am on record as expecting.

I have come to recognize two types who are expressing this mantra. One type is espousing the mantra but doing little to adjust to meet changing circumstances. The other type has this correct attitude AND a solid action plan for adjusting to the changing times.

Reminds me of the Law of Attraction division. There are those that put their full faith in the concept, but expend little effort to make things happen. Then, there are those that have the faith and the right actions. For the latter types, the Law of Attraction does provide results.
Merely saying you are not participating in the recession is unlikely to lead to prosperity. Coupling that attitude with the right changes will lead to prosperity.
So, what about you? Are you participating in the recession? Or, have you decided to not participate? And if you have decided not to participate, do you have the action plan and requisite commitment to make the changes necessary to prosper in these tough times?

I am hoping that each of my friends are in the latter category. As I hope that you are!

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