Cheryl Richardson is an extraordinary woman. She is a best selling author and leading role model for life coaches. As an example of the latter, this week Good Morning America did a series with her coaching the staff of Good Morning America. What life coach wouldn't die for the kind of exposure seen here?
High media visibility is nothing new for Cheryl. She was featured on Oprah for a year with her life makeover segments. She has had two PBS specials. She regularly appears on the morning talks shows where you can easily observe the love and respect that the hosts have for Cheryl.
So, the fact that Cheryl is prospering in these times is not surprising. Cheryl has been doing right by people for many years. Whether it be a book or a seminar, Cheryl's products are always a fantastic value. Reasonable price and extraordinary delivery!
Consider her latest offerings. She recently launched her latest book, The Art of Extreme Self Care.

Not only is the book perfectly timed to meet the needs of her fans, it is beautifully packaged and written, and offered at a price that is a great value.
Besides being one of the most compassionate people that I know, Cheryl is also a very, very savvy business woman. Along with the launch of her book, Cheryl partnered with Hay House to offer a year long teleclass program that meets monthly. Once again, the program is well packaged, well delivered, and offered at a price that is both affordable and a great value. (Because prior classes are recorded for later listening, it is not too late to join me and others in this program by registering here.)
Cheryl is so not about money that I almost hate to even discuss the obvious economics. But with close to 1000 enrollees in the teleclass program, Cheryl has another income stream (in addition to book royalties), and one that leverages her expertise by enabling her to do the teleclass from home in just a couple of hours of work a month.
The concept of "prospering in tough times" is not just about one's income. Cheryl is doing nicely in that category. But, the greater prosperity comes from the tens of thousands who will be helped by her divinely timed book and the thousand who will benefit by the monthly teleclass program. And, that is on top of the 50,000 plus who participate for free in her world wide life makeover groups.
Cheryl is not cowering in fear over the economic downturn. She has embraced the realities of the situation, tailored her products/services to the times, and is out making a difference in the lives of tens of thousands. She is a role model for prospering in tough times. Prospering in every sense of the word!
Are you letting your fears of the economy stand in the way of your prospering? Have you embraced the realities of the situation and tailored your offerings to the times (whether as a business owner, or as an employee? Are you focused on helping others through these tough times?
Coming Next: I will be saluting radio talk show host (and also best selling author), Kat Tansey, in the next installment of my series on examples of individuals, from all walks of life, who "get it." The series starts here.
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