Mike Robbins is a rising star in the self-development world. Mike's first book, the Focus on the Good Stuff; The Power of Appreciation was a best seller.

Two years later, his second book is about to be published and it is so timely. Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken: Transform Your Life with the Power of Authenticity can now be preordered from Amazon.
Think about the examples of lack of authenticity we read about every day in conjunction with our financial system (Madoff et al), our sports (Alex Rodriquez et al), our political system (too many to list), etc. Think about what this kind of behaviour by "role models" is doing for future generations.
Now none of us can cure the world...but what we can be, as Ghandi said, the change we want to see in the world. And, therein lies the power of Mike's latest book. Just in time...an author, who is known for walking his talk, serves up guidance on how to lead an authentic life. Truly divine timing. Never has there been a time where there was a greater need for authentic role models, in every area of our lives.
Mike is a great example of someone who will prosper in these tough times. Mike is all about serving others...through his writing and speaking.
Prosperity is not just about the size of your bank account. Prosperity is about realizing the awesome blessings with which we all are bestowed.
In tough times, it is all to easy to be all about oneself. As counterintuitive as it may seem, I believe that prosperity will flow to those who serve others. Too altruistic? Well, what is a job? Is it just a paycheck, or is it an opportunity to be compensated for your service to others?
Mike Robbins gets it! Are you serving others to the best of your ability...or have you decided to prosper in isolation?
Coming Next: I will be saluting successful entrepreneur Michael Feuer in the next installment of my series on examples of individuals, from all walks of life, who "get it." The series starts here.
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