In these challenging times, few things are more important than being at personal peace. There is much one can choose to be angry about from the boss that terminates you to the Wall Street crowd which may have contributed to the devastation of your retirement fund.
Anger will do little improve to your lot in life. In fact, I have more often witnessed it destroying people. Anger destroys all kinds of relationships, as well as ones health.
Now, few if any people get up with a plan for the day to be angry at the world. But, it is easy to slide into such a mindset as we encounter the potholes of life. And, that is why it is so important to counter that possibility with a plan to, as Joyce Meyer suggests in her excellent book In Pursuit of Peace, aggressively pursue peace.

"make a commitment to to pursue peace from this day forward: to discover all you can about what your Peace Stealers are, to know yourself and face the truth that will set you free."
For many centuries, all forms of wise men (and women) have proclaimed the virtues of peace. No one has ever made a serious case that anger or hostility is a better way than peace.
Are you at peace in these challenging times? With yourself, with others and with your Divine Spirit?
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