About mid-year, I was introduced to the music of Michael W. Smith. Quickly his music became a favorite of mine. And, one song in particular became almost like a theme song for me.
That magical (for me) song is Step-by-Step from Smith's Worship Again album.

To say I have listened to this song frequently is an understatement (ITunes actually calculates the number :) ).
The song has become a powerful reminder to me that great things in life, in any field of endeavor, are accomplished step-by step.
We live in an instant gratification world. We are continually bombarded with messages that there is an easy way to get anything we want. We have seemingly become a world looking for "magic pills."
Smith's song is my antidote to that bombardment. His song is a constant reminder that progress comes from consistently taking a series of steps. Step-by-step.
I don't believe that there is any magic pill, or simple solution, to prospering in '09. I will be following my plan for achieving my SMART Goals, step-by-step.
I am prepared that there will be potholes that I will hit. And, when I do, I will do my best to quickly straighten myself so as to conitnue down the road. Step-by-step.
As I close out my posts for 2008, I want to express my deep appreciation for those whose support make this blog and all my other activities possible. If I started listing all those whose support I enjoyed in 2008, I would miss my planned New Year's eve celebration with my wife and Scotty. I am blessed with such wonderful support, from my loving family, from my two coaches and many mentors, from my protege's and friends who so energize me, from my clients who stretch my thinking, and from the Divine Spirit that guides me.
Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2009!
This was the sixth and final post in the series Countdown to New Years. The six part series started here.
PS, If you have a friend or loved one that could benefit from this blog, please share it with them. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of others...the foundation of true prosperity.
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