Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mary Allen Wisdom for Tough Times

In tough times, it is more important than ever to surround oneself with a great support team. The times are just too tough to be going it alone.

An ideal support team should include a coach, a mastermind group, and a couple of mentors. I so believe in the importance of a good support team that I have two coaches, two mastermind groups and a deluxe group of mentors (and awesome protege's who are constantly stretching my thinking).

One of my two coaches is the fantastic Mary Allen whose work with clients on everyday inner peace is first rate. Mary is the author of The Power of Inner Choice.

I have just concluded a year long group program with Mary that was terrific. The program's focus was everyday inner peace. I am looking forward to starting a new program with Mary and a new group in January.

Mary has helped me improve my ability to maintain a sense of inner peace even among the most trying of circumstances. Tough times will create many trying circumstances and I am glad I am equipped with the skills learned through Mary's group program.

Inner peace...if you don't have it, get some help developing it. Prospering in tough times is highly unlikely if you are at war with yourself (and others).

Coming Tomorrow: The exceptional wisdom of T. Harv Eker. You can read the entire series of Lessons from the Masters by starting here.

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