Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Prospering in a Recession

I am encouraged! More and more people are doing Google searches on how to prosper in a bad economy. I am encouraged because that means a growing number of people are deciding that they want to make the changes so as to prosper in these tough times. And, that is a very good thing.

The purpose of this blog is to be a resource for your learning specific ways to prosper in this bad economy. The wisdom I share comes from leading authors, consultants, economists, and life philosophers, as well as from personal observations from my consulting work with leading professional service firms.

I am hardly a guru on these times. These "whitewater times," as I like to call them, are unlike anything I have experienced before. Like most readers, I am trying everyday to understand the new rules that are being written in business, politics, and every other dimension of our lives.

What you will take away from this blog will depend on your current situation. Those who have recently lost jobs, may want to read my tips in Finding a Job in a Recession. And, those who have been searching for a while without success, will want to consider my recent post Can't Find a Job.

Those who have a job will want to make they keep the job they have, and my post Saving Your Job has tips for helping you do so.

Business owners and executives will find me writing often on ideas for improving your business. My recent post on Increasing Market Share in a Recession has been one of my more business popular posts. From time to time, I write about ideas about specific industries and their challenges. This series can be accessed here.

Many of my posts are designed to help everyone regardless of your perspective. Many found helpful my series on Why the Downturn Will (Regretfully) Be Deeper and Longer than Commonly Expected. That sobering series was hopefully balanced by my thoughts on the Abundant Opportunities in this Recession.

But, this blog is about much more than my own views. One of the most popular series has been Lessons from the Masters featuring the wisdom of Wayne Dyer, Cheryl Richardson, Seth Godin, Cal Ripkin, Jr. and many more. And, of course, your comments are always welcome. Readers of this blog regularly add very thoughtful commentary.

So as the year draws to a close, I want to pledge that throughout '09 I will be trying to make this blog a gracious oasis from the tough times. Each week, I hope to present a balanced mix of "hard" information and "soft" encouragement - all designed to help you find your own path for prospering in these tough times.

Wishing you all the best in '09 and hoping that you will make '09 the best year of your life.

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